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Sunday 3 July 2011

Canada Day, O Canada.

So naturally it being July the first I did what every patriotic Canadian does, celebrated Canada Day! Naturally, if one lives in The Shwa or the surrounding region, this means a trip to the lake! 
 The "Midway" complete with Carnival Games and Rides!
 The Ferris Wheel!

 Oddly enough for some reason a lot of the prizes that could be won at the games were "Rasta Bananas" (Bananas that had the typical "Rasta man hat")
 Part of the Patting Zoo, This small Bunny had plenty of company in there with all the Turtles in there with him!
 Mr. Alligator, well Mr. Alligator Jr.
 The handler was nice enough to pose with the Baby Alligator for so that i could take this Picture.
 The sign on this ones Tank said "Monitor Lizard". I am extremely doubtful that it is a lizard and not a Baby Dragon.....
 Attack of the Giant Squid!
 Huge Crowd on the Beach getting ready for the Fireworks that cap the day off.

 Just Before Sunset at the lake even more people begin to crowd for the Fireworks

All in all a pretty nice Canada Day, although I think I Know that I over did it, as I ended up at the end of the day feeling quite ill. Turns out that I had a mild case of Hyperthermia, And felt very very cold despite running a fever of over a hundred and three for most of the night... Oh well I'll remember Sunblock next then for sure won't I?

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