Welcome to my blog! If you've come looking for something that makes any sense, well I'd hit the back button right now! But, if you are looking for an insight into the world of Chris Knighton, well then you just may have come to the right place! Everything from my usual photography, to my often really energetic rants will be posted here so scroll down and you just might like what you find.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

My Poor Nikon

Me and my Nikon made it through think and thin together that camera has been to Las Vegas, New York City, Washington D.C., Montreal, Quebec City, Ottawa, and many Others, but alas, it seems none of these cities held the same frightening power that Vaughn Ontario had.

Canada's Wonderland you and "The Behemoth" deprived me of my little camera!
This is a momento to that camera.

In lieu of flowers Please, Keep your money and take your own cameras on a vacation with you......

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