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Monday 27 June 2011

Wonderland, Oh How I Wonder....

I visited Canada's Wonderland For the first yesterday! Yay! Thanks to a friend of mine i got a sweet discount on the tickets, and managed to make some new friends! But the day wasn't all roses, I managed to lose my old Camera (My Nikon NOT my new shiny Canon (attempt at a silver lining....Success!)). And as such I don't have too many pictures of the day to show...Did decide on occasion to release my IPod from its prison within my pocket for a couple of pictures

Photo Cred; Canada's Wonderland

Speaking of my Camera this is the Behemoth "Canada's biggest, fastest & tallest coaster ever - Behemoth"

Apparently I lost my camera on a ride that manages to travel at 125Km/Hr and Logically implies that there is little to no chance of it being found intact....Oh well...Anyway this was the first ride we went on, right as the park opened up, even despite our early go on it there was still a titanic queue.
The Koi in the streams throughout the park were giant!
 "The Bat" mid loop!
Also "The Bat" 

All in all a very good day! Thank you to Nicole for organizing!

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