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Friday 17 June 2011

Plain Old Southern Ontario

It seems that I have become a bit of a Nature Photographer, but only of the most common, most seen, and often most hated animals. Although that is likely due to the fact that I don’t really leave Oshawa or the surrounding area that much. Here is an assortment of animals that I’m sure that you are all familiar with. All of these pictures were taken on the Oshawa bicycle path.
 Common Grey Squirrel 
 Common Grey Squirrel with a cracker we fed to him.
 Royal Canadian Air Force plane. I haven't the foggiest as to why it was flying above Oshawa.
 Another squirrel, this time black.I am obviously an Equal opportunity photographer.
 A Robbin that looks like it just came from a drink in the creek because her chest is all wet.
 Nearly impossible to see fish. Surprisingly it also nearly impossible to photograph! Erm, that by the way was sarcasm I, I wasn't sure if that would come across in text or not.....
 Blue Jay and a Red Wing Black Bird.
I'm pretty sure the Jay just took a bath he is soaking wet.
 Red Wing calling. 

When I got home and started to enjoy my dinner on my balcony I looked up and hovering over the trees were hundreds of these tiny bugs. Not really sure what they are but it's quite disconcerting to see hundreds of insects flying just a few feet from your dinner as you try to eat it....

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