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Friday 24 June 2011

Scenes From Southern Ontario

Some common scenes around The Shwa and The G.T.A. over the past few years. Not too much just was going through some of my old Pictures and decided to share!

This One was actually Taken today on my ipod. 
Not quite the amazing double rainbow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MX0D4oZwCsA But still very nice.

 Downtown Toronto.
 Hahaha one of the Olympic Torch Bearers Came to the restaurant I worked in with her torch and was letting people take pictures with her and it and I was not missing that opportunity regardless of my work attire....

 Sunset behind The Shwa City Hall while still under construction last year.
 Red-Tailed Hawk The picture really doesn't do it justice.

Cement Processing Plant in Bowmanville, it just looked really, out of place.

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