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Wednesday 15 June 2011

Biking In The Sun

Today I found myself with another excellent day, so like any other active person, I decided to make the best of it and go out and enjoy the sunlight. I went on a bike ride that saw me through three towns two regions one provincial park and thirty eight kilometers. From Oshawa Waterfront Trail through Darlington Prov. Park and Courtice all the way to the beginning of Bowmanvilles Waterfront Trail. And naturally, back again.

I left my place and headed toward Courtice when i saw this;
 This was a bridge over the 401 that used to service a connection between the Knob Hill Farms, Milwork and the C.N.R. line in Oshawa but hasn't been in use for nearly ten years. I guess it finally decayed so much they decided to tear it down. I was there last week and got this picture of it before it was torn down! After i stood watching the construction guys clean up some more of the mess i continued on toward Courtice and the waterfront trail.
A farmers field near Darlington Provincial Park. They have a great view of the lake here.
 Small bird. This would be a picture of a bird in flight here but everytime I got one in focus it would zip right out of my view....Anyway this little guy sat all nice and perty for me so i went ahead and gave him his "close-up".
 Ancient bridge. No further description necessary.
 This Bird here, I was trying to take a picture of a swan but it was hiding far away behind some Cat Tails and was being very "Elusive". anyway as i was trying to get a picture of it I basically turned my head and saw this guy here, a type of bird I had never seen before. Naturally my interest was peaked and I started snapping away. This bird by the way is the "North American Common Moorhen", for all you bird buffs.
 View of Clarington.
 Power Lines that stretch from Darlington Nuclear to further than my eyes (and camera) can see.
All in all nearly Forty kilometers on a bike will tire a guy out! Plenty of fun though

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