Welcome to my blog! If you've come looking for something that makes any sense, well I'd hit the back button right now! But, if you are looking for an insight into the world of Chris Knighton, well then you just may have come to the right place! Everything from my usual photography, to my often really energetic rants will be posted here so scroll down and you just might like what you find.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

New Blog, New Day

I basically started this blog to properly display my photographic and literary skill at leisure, not only to myself but to anybody who cares to read/see.

So basically i want to start off my first blog with a picture that I took.
This as You might have guessed is a picture of the fountains at the Ballagio hotel/casino in Las Vegas. I took this when i visited in march of 2010. A trip that I'm sure to never forget!

Here I am "dangling" off the edge of The Grand Canyon. This day was probably the most memorable part of my Vegas trip. Honestly the canyon is simply amazing and there is nothing that i have ever seen that can compare to the feeling one gets when they see it for the first time. Pictures honestly do it no justice.

 The hotels at Vegas were of course in competition with one another and each HAD to be better than the last this is the Paris hotel/casino.
 Encore the hotel I stayed in.
The Sign! Ha ha ha great land mark, but its a fair hike from the main strip, and unfortunately at the opposite end of the strip at that from my hotel, nevertheless it was worth it!

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